WADDED - tradução para árabe
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WADDED - tradução para árabe





حَشَا ; حَشَّى



سترة مبطنة بطبقة قطنية      

a wadded jacket

a wadded jacket      
سترة مبطنة بطبقة قطنية


1. compress (a soft material) into a wad.
Exemplos de pronúncia para WADDED
1. with some cheesecloth wadded into it.
The Craftsmanship of Fine Guitars _ Erez Perelman _ Talks at Google
2. gardens. This one holds a shelf cluttered with ground mycoprotein bars and wadded piles
The Windup Girl _ Paolo Bacigalupi _ Talks at Google
3. And he took our flyer, and he wadded it up, and he said,
AbleGamers _ Mark Barlet _ Talks at Google
4. And he wadded up the clay horse and he threw it back in the bin.
Exemplos do corpo de texto para WADDED
1. Today, it‘s not unusual to see a wadded–up 10,000–dollar bill lying on Harare‘s filthy sidewalks.
2. To buy new inventory and build savings, they carefully hand over a few dirty, wadded–up pieces of paper money from previous sales.
3. No doubt every well–wadded, White House–connected televangelist justifying aggressive war, pimping for tax cuts and frothing with anxiety about homosexuals thinks he‘s walking in the footsteps of the backwoods preacher from Galilee, who spent his entire ministry serving the poor and the despised, the powerless and the discarded, the sexual outcasts and the victims of wealth, and was finally killed by the satraps of what was then the world‘s only hyperpower.